Harnessing the power of Linkedin without becoming intrusive and overselling yourself is the best way to build potential leads. Read on to gain actionable insights for marketing yourself on Linkedin without really pushing.
How to expand your network on Linkedin and get Positive Traction
In a world where remote working is increasing more than ever, the importance of social networking and social media marketing over professional platforms also has increased many folds. Appearing as a professional and connecting with other professionals on professional platforms like LinkedIn plays a key role in showing your presence to the world. With over 756 million users, LinkedIn leads in connecting professional, B2B prospects, business partners and potential hires. However, building a LinkedIn presence is a daunting task, firstly you have to understand the platform in a better way and then move forward strategically. Digital Marketing company can help you in acing the LinkedIn game, however, there are a few things to keep in mind if you are doing it on your own. These tips can help you get started easily in building your profile.
1. Improve your profile
Your profile is the cover story, you have to put the best foot forward with your profile. While evolving your professional goals, make sure that you keep updating your profile accordingly. Make it complete, add relevant pieces of information and make it look impactful.
2. Add keywords to your profile
Just as you optimize a website or post for SEO, similar is with LinkedIn. Every word you add to your profile on LinkedIn counts. To make sure that you don’t get lost in the crowd, add keywords and related words to your profile to attract more visitors to your profile. Use keywords rich pointers in your profile summary rather than long sentences.
3. Know who to build connections with and personalize connection requests
When you are planning to expand your network on the platform, get clarity of whom to connect with because you just can not connect with anyone and everyone on the platform. Once you know your potential connections, you can send them connection requests, also you can add a personalized note to get in touch.
4. Reach out to in-person contacts
You might be building your profile over a digital platform, however, there may be hundreds of in-person acquaintances for you and this can be one of the good opportunities to expand your digital network. When you connect with in-person acquaintances, you might get to see a new side of them and show them yours.
5. Split your goal into small chunks that look easily achievable to you
You may be having a goal in your mind, like connecting with 500 people over the platform in a span of say 6 months. This might look like a big task when you first think of it and to avoid such things and make it easier, breakdown the whole task into smaller chunks, like connecting with 100 people in 30 days. This will help you to achieve smaller goals and remain motivated and energized for the upcoming goal.
6. Explore relevant LinkedIn groups
LinkedIn groups are another great way to expand your network. The best part of them is that they are specific spaces where you can connect with people from the same industry or people with the same passion and interest. You too can create groups and connect with like-minded people.
7. Post often to increase engagement
Consistency is the key to success in anything. So while you are working on building your LinkedIn connections and expanding your network, work on being consistent in sharing your posts. Posting often will not let you get buried in hundreds of posts. Also, this will let your connections engage with you.
Originally published in Social Media Marketing Newsletter by The-Socializers.com
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